New Players Guide
From Forsaken Planet
(Redirected from New Player's Guide)
There are four missions in Dungeons Of Eternity: Dungeon Raid, Crystal Hunt, Soul Harvest and Sandbox Arena.
You should spend most of your time running Dungeon Raids to quickly level up and acquire an array of Weapons. We'll discuss the other types of missions later in this guide, but for now: choose the lowest Difficulty Tiers (1 or 2) to get a feel for the game. It should take you about 15-20 full dungeons runs to get to Level 15. You'll get there faster in multiplayer, but all levels are reachable in solo-play.
Gather your friends or just zone into The Outpost. You'll appear near your personal room which is used to craft and equip weapons from Weapon Modules, craft potions when you gain sufficient talent points from running Soul Harvest missions, change your appearance cosmetically, and upgrade your suit with buffs known as EXO Suit Perks.
At the beginning levels you don't have enough EXO Points to make use of the EXO Suit area (the area is located in your personal room, to the left of the door). You can craft Small and Large Health potions using the fabricator (to the right of the door). You don't have enough crafting points (gained from Soul Harvest missions) to craft more advanced potions.
Concentrate on these tasks (until about level 15):
- Run Dungeon Raids for experience and loot
- Gain Weapon Modules from looting chests
- Gain Experience Points (XP) and Level Up
- Craft Weapons using Weapon Modules
- Find the weapons that suit you best
What you missed from not running the tutorial[edit | edit source]
A lot of first time players miss a couple of tricks that make the quality of gameplay so much better. You should run the tutorial, it's reasonably quick (10 minutes) which includes combat training (both melee and ranged) and will show you the movement and actions that you might otherwise miss.
The tutorial also has its own dungeon (that takes 10-15 minutes to fully clear) which doesn't include as many hazards as some of the Dungeon Raids you'll pick from The Map Table.
Options "Auto Run" and "Hold for Options"[edit | edit source]
"Enable Autorun" will allow you to move faster through the dungeons without having to keep holding down the thumb-stick. You're fingers will thank you; your controller will last longer.
"Options Long Press" will prevent the game menu from showing up when your thumb slips over the button.
Climbing[edit | edit source]
Climbing up chains and ladders is a fundamental part of the game. You'll frequently find treasure at the top of each and some rooms will require you to climb to move through to the next room.
How to climb efficiently[edit | edit source]
Look UP and press 'A' to move up a chain speedily. Look DOWN and press 'A' to move down a chain speedily.
How to teleport off a chain or climb a ladder fast[edit | edit source]
While one hand is holding the chain, use the other hand's thumb-stick to choose a place to teleport. Let the thumb-stick flick back to center position to engage teleportation.
You can also use this technique to teleport vertically or horizontally about 40 feet; ladders are similar.
Hands and Wrists[edit | edit source]
Your hands and wrists have hints as to how the game is progressing.
Hands show health[edit | edit source]
Wrist gadgets show health, coins looted and kills[edit | edit source]
Know Dungeon Raids[edit | edit source]
Your teams objective is to work your way through the tunnels of planet Eternity to locate and Save the Drone that was lost during a previous scouting mission. Along the way you will engage enemies find chests, upgrade your weapons and increase your EXO Suit's features through acquiring EXO Points.
There are some key points to dungeon raiding.
Know the Rewards System[edit | edit source]
The Rewards System consists of gaining Loot (coins, potions and weapon's modules) as well as XP to level up.
Your level determines the strength of the Weapon Modules that drop from chests. Levels are determined by experience points aka XP. You start out at Level 1 with 0 XP:
- Level 2 requires 1000 XP
- Level 3 requires 2500 XP
- Level 4 requires 4500 XP
- each additional level requires 500 more experience points than the last level to traverse
(more specifics in Level Mechanics)
Other critical pieces of information are:
- Your player level is associated with a recommended dungeon difficulty tier.
- Your player level is associated with the tier of the weapons you loot from chests.
- Your player level is associated with Weapon Quality/Rarity (common, unique, rare and legendary) which have increasingly better stats even in the same weapon's tier.
- Difficulty settings on dungeons can increase the the tier of weapons' drop by at most one
There are 7 weapon tiers (one through seven) and they are differentiated by their shape (3D model in VR).
Player Level association with Dungeon Difficulty and Weapon Rarity:
- Level 1
- Your default dungeon difficulty starts out as Tier 1.
- You start receiving Common weapons.
- Level 5
- You start receiving Unique weapons.
- Level 8
- Default dungeon difficulty increased to Tier 2.
- Level 10
- You start receiving Rare weapons.
- Level 17
- Default dungeon difficulty increased to Tier 3.
- Level 24
- You start receiving Legendary weapons.
- Level 26
- Default dungeon difficulty increased to Tier 4.
- Level 34
- Default dungeon difficulty increased to Tier 5.
- Level 41
- Default dungeon difficulty increased to Tier 6.
- Level 50
- Default dungeon difficulty increased to Tier 7.
- Level 60
- Maximum player level.
Notes about XP[edit | edit source]
- As noted in the Rewards System, most XP is gained through completing the final room in Raid Dungeons
- The second best way to gain XP is to open chests because each coin you pickup/loot gives you 1 XP
- for coin stacks on the ground: if you pick up 2 coins and another of your teammates picks up 3 coins: all of your teammates (including you) receive 5 coins, although you only gain 2 extra XP.
The final room in a dungeon is also called the "Save The Drone" Mission. If you are dead-set on min/maxing XP you'll want dungeons with the least rooms and quickest access to the final area. But, this min/maxing technique ignores loot chests where you'll gain new weapons (and coins for XP). You also want to maximize your item rewards by looting as many chests as possible.
If you can find a dungeon with 7 chests/weapons modules, that is generally considered above average. Ten or more is a GREAT dungeon.
Set the difficulty to 1 (the easiest) and you will receive just as many chests as you would on difficulty 7.
If you set the difficulty above the recommended you will receive higher valued weapons from chests (no more than one above your players tier)
Know Chests[edit | edit source]
There are three Tiers of chests denoted by their physical size and number of skulls on them. Tier I Chests are the smallest and have NO skulls. Tier 2 Chests have one skull directly in the middle of lid where you place the key. Tier 3 Chests are the largest and have three skulls: one on the lid and two at the front feet.
There are Three sizes of chests:
- Tier 1 Chests has no weapons modules for low level players
- Tier 2 Chests will likely have a weapon's module
- Tier 3 Chests will always have a weapon's module
Your experience is maximized by running dungeons with the least number of rooms and the most Tier 3 Chests. This is because the final fight is where you gain the most XP (about 2000 points for just saving the drone)
Your loot, however, is maximized by finding the most weapons modules. Lower level players only receive weapons modules from Tier 2 Chests and Tier 3 Chests.
Chests require keys to open them and sometimes they are behind doors which require another key to unlock the door.
If you are running solo: judicially use your keys for the largest chests. For multi-player with level 40s and above, your experience will be increased by the shear number of mobs your group will dispatch. This will more than make up for advanced player's desire to loot every chest, even the smallest, immediately.
Any weapon's damage for any Weapon Modules you find will be between ABOUT 1x and 2x what your level is at the time of the drop -- this scales to level 60. The scale factor is dependent on the type of weapon, like crossbows are closer to 1x. Long Swords are closer to 2x.
Know Enemies[edit | edit source]
Enemies on planet Eternity come in many classes and can be categorized with respect to their color and abilities. Class groups enemies into Critters, Monsters, The Undead and Sorcerers
Know Enemy Colors[edit | edit source]
Color to signify strength of mobs as well as enhanced damage capabilities.
Other colorization, like bright-green, bright orange-red, and bright-blue signify the elemental attack abilities of the mob.
Know Potions[edit | edit source]
You'll mainly be using small and large health potions, but through chest loot you can receive any of the other potions. All potions have good use but consider the Invisibility Potion a game changer for all levels, since it offers you a respite from attacks and gives you enough time to kill a few enemies as well as resurrect your fallen teammates.
[edit | edit source]
Smashing potions on the ground creates a puddle and allows everyone to receive their effects.
Inventory Items[edit | edit source]
Other items can be placed in your inventory.
Know Hazards[edit | edit source]
Exploding barrels cause 83% damage.
Poison barrels cause a total of 25% damage over time: 4% every 3 seconds for 15 seconds then a final 5%.
Fall damage:
- one full floor (onto stone): 87% damage
- half a floor (onto stone): 16%
- falling onto water will give you less damage
In addition, some vases, boxes and barrels contain critters, when broken they will attack.
Some hazards cause immediate death:
- Spike pit
- Ceiling Spikes Crushes
- Wall Spike Crushes
If you are not in combat when you die you will be automatically revived with 25% health.
Know the Combat System[edit | edit source]
The Combat System includes you and your enemy's health, damage, buffs and debuffs.
You start off with 100% health. You don't generally regain health unless you have a specific healing Weapon's Perk or EXO Perk or until you use a health potion.
The damage you do is the damage number on your weapon +/- the strength of your throw or swing (although this is not quantified anywhere in the tutorial). Your damage is augmented by your weapon's perks and your exo suit perks.
Enemies arrive in waves with wave numbers varying between 1 to about 7. Each wave will have between 2-5 enemies per player at once.
Damage received is a percentage of your total health, as:
Enemy | attack | damage |
Humanoid | elbow, bare hand, bear hug | 8%-16% |
Humanoid | Axe, Sword, Hammers | 8%-16% |
Hummanoid | Arrow shot | 8% |
Scorpion | pinch | 25% |
Scorpion | stinger throw | 8% |
Bee | Explode | 50% |
Know Weapons[edit | edit source]
A variety of Weapons can be crafted and the adventurer can store them in three slots, Left Hip, Right Hip and on their back.
There are broadly ten different weapons classes (which determine how a weapon is used in combat and stored on person while not fighting). There are many individual weapons types that can be said to be od the same class, for instance maces, hammers and clubs are considered to be different types of weapons but in the same class; in this case they can both be used in melee and the physics of throwing them is the same. Each weapon type has a different damage charts and there are many models (how they look) for each specific weapon type.
Magical Staffs are a little different. There are eight individual magical staffs and they are different in how they are used and the effects they cause.
Some weapons can be slotted on either hip, and other weapons can be strapped to your back. You can bring a total of three weapons into dungeons.
Hip Slotted Weapons[edit | edit source]
Back Slotted Weapons[edit | edit source]
Weapons Rarity[edit | edit source]
Weapons have a rarity classification which determines how often you may find them in dungeons as well as the strength of the features on they weapon itself.
Common Weapons are the most basic and have no enchantment qualities.

Classed just above Common Weapons are Unique Weapons, next are Rare Weapons and lastly Legendary Weapons which are the strongest in the game.
Unique, Rare and Legendary weapons can be found with Elemental features, either Fire, Ice or Poison and can also have enchantments known as Weapon's Perks.
Weapons Perks[edit | edit source]
Perks are enhancements on Unique, Rare and Legendary weapons. Some are applicable to all weapon classes, like Attack Power and Elite Damage. Others are available only on specific types of weapons, like Slowing and Reload.
Some Other interesting Perks:
All Weapons | attack power | Increases damage by 5-35% |
criticals | Gives 20-32% chance to critically strike for 300% damage | |
Axes | throw damage | Increases throwing damage by 5-35% |
explosions | Gives 20-32% chance to explode for 200% damage | |
Crossbows | slowing | Gives 20-32% chance to slow enemy |
reload | Gives 1-7 extra shots per reload | |
Bows | shot distance | Increases shooting range by 10-70% |
slowing | Gives 20-32% chance to slow enemy | |
Daggers | vampire | Gives 20-32% chance to heal 25% of player health |
poison | Gives 20-32% chance to poison enemy | |
Hammers | slowing | Gives 20-32% chance to slow enemy |
area damage | Gives 20-32% chance to explode for 200% damage | |
Swords | vampire | Gives 20-32% chance to heal 25% of player health |
stab damage | Increases damage by 50% | |
Two-Handed Swords | unblockable | prevents parries |
vampire | Gives 20-30% chance to heal 25% of player health | |
knock-back distance | Increases distance enemy is thrown when pushed | |
Shields | knock-back distance | Increases distance enemy is thrown when pushed |
absorb | Heals 4-29% of player health when blocking |
Perk Colors[edit | edit source]
Some perks will add a distinctive color to the weapon.
Weapons Elements[edit | edit source]
There is Fire, Ice and Poison. Weapons with elements have a distinctive, shown below are those colors when imbued on arrows:
Know Combat Tricks[edit | edit source]
- Enemies are more exposed when you are above them (for instance, on stairs) and you can hit them on the top of the head.
- Enemy legs are fair game
- all enemies are right handed and hold their weapons accordingly
- after an enemy attempts a strike, they expose their head and shoulders for a short time.
- to hit something crawling on the ground, throw your weapon sideways and flick it to make it spin
- to hit bats, step away from them and throw as they are flying towards you. don't try to swipe at them from a standing position and don't throw your weapon as the traverse your field of view.
Find your combat style[edit | edit source]
You have three slots to hold weapons, starting out with a Sword in your Left Hip Slot, a Throwing Axe in your Right Hip Slot and a Bow in your Back Slot. You'll need to decide which Weapons suit your gaming style, but generally you want at least one ranged weapon (either a hip throwing weapon or a back-slot bow/crossbow or staff).
Sharp weapons are extremely effective against Zombies, blunt weapons are more throwable and effective against skeletons, although daggers are the most throwable weapon. Swords do the highest damage. All sharp weapons can stick into your opponent which can leave you needing your offhand weapon to continue the fight until it becomes available.
There are those that swear by the Bow Mechanics in this game as truly realistic. Others who may play in a sitting position may use Reload crossbows as they are the simplest to point and shoot.
Magical Staffs offer a variety of attack styles include direct attacks with the Fireball Staff to crowd control with the Ice Staff and also a healing option with the Healing Staff.
You can use The Combat Simulator to examine how Perks relate to specific attack styles and against specific Enemies.
Use The Gear Drop Calculator to figure out how likely a weapon will appear with a specific set of perks.
For the first thirty levels or so the weapons you find will have about the same damage as your level number.
[edit | edit source]
Ask others for their BEST dungeons, save them using the Saved Dungeons Console.
What makes a good or GREAT dungeon? A dungeon that fits your style of gameplay and offers enough reward for the effort you are putting in.
How to start a game[edit | edit source]
You zone into the game near your Player Room in The Outpost.
The player with the crown on their head is the leader. The leader should choose a Dungeon Raid:
Move to the large Mission Map table in the middle of The Outpost.
Select any realm from the four listed, they are colorized:
Realms are designated by their own colors (on the table map). Their names are Underworld, Sandstorm, Vilehalls and Lavaforge. Realms are slightly different in difficulty, feature their own flora, fauna and environmental hazards which increase their XP value and loot drops. With Lavaforge being the most difficult and most profitable Realm.
Select a red mission from the map[edit | edit source]
Red missions are dungeon raids.
Select a difficulty[edit | edit source]
Tiers 1 is the easiest difficulty and will be the default while you are between levels 1 to 10. Dungeons of Eternity's difficulty scaling is pretty reasonable and my suggestion is to trust it until you are beyond level 15 when you acquire Vitality EXO Perk.
Get to the teleporters[edit | edit source]
Significant Milestones[edit | edit source]
Level 1: Run Forgotten Tombs[edit | edit source]
A full run, including smashing the breakables and collecting all coins, of the tutorial dungeon, "Forgotten Tombs" will net you about 3,500 XP which should level you to half-way between levels 3 and 4. Pick other dungeon raids or ask your teammates if they can share their best dungeons.
Level 5: Unique Weapons with Elements and Perks appear[edit | edit source]
It should take you two or three full dungeon runs to get to level 5 when Unique Weapons appear.
Level 12: Rare Weapons appear[edit | edit source]
Level 15: EXO Vitality becomes available[edit | edit source]
By level 15 you'll know what you like and what doesn't work for you.
After you acquire vitality it is easier to play the mob heavy waves of the Soul Harvest missions.