

From Forsaken Planet

Wiki > Dungeons Of Eternity > Weapons > Shields


Slot Back
Use not throwable, defensive


(see also: generic weapon perks)

Knock-back Distance Knock-back distance increases shield knock-back by 10-70%
Absorb Heals 4-29% of player health when blocking

Description[edit | edit source]

Shields protect against all hostile attacks and projectiles. A quick shove forward will perform a knockback attack.

Shields are great protection and even w/o knockback, the bash will knockdown a good percentage of the time.

Shields worn on the back will block enemy attacks from the rear.

You can throw shields, but not like captain america. Shields do little damage even with damage perks.

Shields can have Element Types like ice, which can freeze the bashed enemy.

Blocking only triggers absorb. Arrows don't seem to trigger absorb though only melee weapons. While bashish, if you are blocked by an enemy weapon, that will trigger an absorb.

Names[edit | edit source]

  • shield
  • buckler
  • guard
  • large guard
  • large shield

Gallery[edit | edit source]