
Status Effect

From Forsaken Planet

Wiki > Dungeons Of Eternity > Status Effect

Status effects can be imparted by Weapons (by Elements and by Perks), Potions, Enemies and Mission Mechanics.

Only one status effect can affect players (or Enemies) at a time. This means that if you Ice an enemy (and they become embrittled) and then you Slow the enemy, the enemy will not be killed as the status effect will change to Slowed without causing damage first.

Weapon Element Imposed Status Effects[edit | edit source]

see also: Elements and Colorization.

Iced[edit | edit source]

Freezes for a few seconds, enemies become embrittled and the next hit will kill them. Embrittlement will wear off when the freeze wears off and if another status effect is imposed (like poisoned or slowed) the enemy will not be killed.

Poisoned[edit | edit source]

Slowed, can't dodge, takes damage over time.

Weapon Perk Imposed Status Effects[edit | edit source]

Poisoned[edit | edit source]

Slowed, can't dodge, takes damage over time.

Slowed[edit | edit source]

Slowed for some time.

Critical[edit | edit source]

Gives 20-32% chance to critically strike for 300% damage

Enemy Imposed Status Effects[edit | edit source]

Webbed[edit | edit source]

Immobilized for a few seconds. Used only by the larger Spiders

Potion Status Effects[edit | edit source]

Haste[edit | edit source]

Haste Potion speed player running and allow you to jump further/higher.

Iced[edit | edit source]

Freezes for a few seconds, enemies become embrittled and the next hit will kill them. Embrittlement will wear off when the freeze wears off and if another status effect is imposed (like poisoned or slowed) the enemy will not be killed.

Invisibility[edit | edit source]

Player becomes invisible, but not immune to damage.

Quad Damage[edit | edit source]

Player's damage is increased to 4x its normal range.

Mission Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Last Stand[edit | edit source]

During solo Missions (other than Tier 7) when a player's health is reduced to 0 they will be given a grace period before death. This grace period is called "Last Stand" and can be removed (saving the player from death) by using a Large Health Potion or Small Health Potion or by killing an enemy.

Dead[edit | edit source]

In multiplayer Missions a player can be resurrected by a teammate using a Resurrection Potion, by a Healing Staff or manually using the 'A' key on the right controller.

Guardian Strike[edit | edit source]

Normally Hall Guardians are red and unkillable. When this status effect is applied a hall guardian becomes killable (turns blue) for several seconds.