Soul Harvest
From Forsaken Planet
In this mission, you receive a Soul Harvest staff from a lich that marks mobs for soul collecting with a green ray.

In this mission, you receive a Soul Harvest staff from a lich that marks mobs for soul collecting with a green ray.
If a mob dies while marked their soul appears as a wisp of green light and can be collected by using the staff's green ray.
Survive three rounds of enemy spawns, collect souls, and progress to the next round.
This mission is vital for unlocking potions in the fabricator.
Soul harvester sayings[edit | edit source]
Round 1[edit | edit source]
- "Use the soul staff to harvest souls from the enemies"
- ah lassay en el condiya
- "This well shall be their final resting place"
- ulna omenta coonta
Round 2[edit | edit source]
- "The well thirsts for more souls"
- koramommy new fair cantah
- "Cleanse these lands of malice"
- en elda ah
Round 3[edit | edit source]
- "More souls must be drained from the wicked"
- ah menthay novah cahlen al dah
- "Rewards shall be granted to the brave"
- avesta envay quenthay