

From Forsaken Planet

Revision as of 13:51, 22 May 2024 by Protagosus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Damage Types == All non-staves weapons can have a TYPE of damage. {| |+Damage Types !Name !Color !Notes |- |Physical | |Not named or colorized |- |Fire |style="background:red;color:black;"|Bright Red |Explosion/area damage |- |Ice |style="background:#0000cc;color:black;"|Blue |Freeze causing a brittle state that can be one-shot shattered |- |Poison |style="background:green;color:black;"|Green |stuns a mob causing them to slump in stupor for a few seconds |}")
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Damage Types

All non-staves weapons can have a TYPE of damage.

Damage Types
Name Color Notes
Physical Not named or colorized
Fire Bright Red Explosion/area damage
Ice Blue Freeze causing a brittle state that can be one-shot shattered
Poison Green stuns a mob causing them to slump in stupor for a few seconds